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Timothy Grass Allergy

Timothy grass (Phleum pretense) is a forage and hay crop native to Europe and Asia. It has also been adapted for use in North America. It's one of the many grasses that produce grass pollen, a very common allergen.

Basic Information About Timothy Grass Allergy

Timothy Grass Allergy Causes

The main source of Timothy grass allergy is the pollen it gives off. These pollen are airborne and are so small, they could be inhaled without the person realizing it. Although the allergy is usually rampant during summer, there's also a small chance of getting the allergy during other seasons.

Grass pollen is regional and seasonal, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Grass pollen count is affected by several factors such as time of the day, weather and season.

Timothy Grass Allergy Symptoms

As with other allergies, an individual's reaction depends on how his immune system will react. Below is the list of common symptoms:

The flower of Timothy grass starts to grow in the early summer, while the flower pollinates towards the end of summer or fall. The wind carries the pollens away from the flowers and it continues to linger on the environment until fall. This is when the most allergies are triggered. More pollen is carried into the air during hot and windy days, which is why most allergic reactions occur during summer and fall.

Tips For Preventing Timothy Grass Allergy

Timothy Grass Allergy Treatment

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