Vegetable Allergies
Fruit Allergies
Other Food Allergies
Plant Allergies
Animal Allergies
Other Allergies
Allergy Treatment
Vegetable Allergies
Avocado Allergy
Garlic Allergy
Onion Allergy
Fruit Allergies
Pineapple Allergy
Strawberry Allergy
Other Food Allergies
Caffeine Allergy
Chicken Allergy
Chocolate Allergy
Cinnamon Allergy
Malt Allergy
MSG Allergy
Oat Allergy
Red Dye Allergy
Plant Allergies
Pollen Allergy
Timothy Grass Allergy
Animal Allergies
Cat Allergy
Dog Allergy
Dust Mite Allergy
Wool Allergy
Other Allergies
Chlorine Allergy
Polyester Allergy
Toothpaste Allergy

Cat Allergy

Cats can cause allergic reactions that can jeopardize your health and health of your family members. Having the right information about the cause, symptoms, and prevention of cat allergies will help you in ensuring your optimum well being.

This article will discuss all about cat allergies. These feline creatures are the cause of multiple kinds of allergic reactions that can lead to serious complications. In the United States alone, ten percent of the population is allergic to dander brought about by pets. Cats ranked as one of the top pets that cause allergic reaction. However, contrary to the popular belief that the allergens from cats come from their fur, the real culprit are the protein that are contained in their saliva, skin, and urine.

Cat Allergy Cause

The protein that initiates the allergic reactions is characterized by its carbohydrate structure. This type of allergen is called Fel d 1. Fel d 1 is distributed in the air where it floats from one home to another. It can also infest furniture, linens, clothes, and other items in the house that attract dust. Fel d 1 is also smaller than common allergens such as pollen and dust which makes it easy for them to pass through your nasal cavity. There are times when these allergens reach the lungs and when it does, it can cause serious allergic reactions and several episodes of asthma.

Once Fel d 1 has entered your nasal passages, the body will produce hormones called histamine which will eradicate the allergens. When histamine is already battling the allergens, it will cause the allergic reactions that you feel.

Cat Allergy Symptoms

Symptoms of pet allergy or cat allergy include redness and itchiness of the eyes, dripping nose, coughing, and nasal congestion. For more serious allergic reactions, the affected person may experience difficulty in breathing that will last for a matter of days. Bronchitis, insomnia, and asthma are the most common complications that can develop when the person is regularly exposed to allergens.

Preventing Cat Allergy

There are some ways that you can do to make your home allergen free. The best course of action to do is to give up your cat to ensure that there will be no Fel d 1 in your house anymore. However, this may be hard for you to do especially when you have become attached to your cat. In this case, you have to make up your mind and choose between your cat and the health of your family. There are other pets that you can keep without exposing your family to the risk of allergy.

As for hypoallergenic cats, there is no substantial proof yet to confirm that the hairless breeds are less probable to cause allergic reactions. Keep in mind that most of the allergens come from other parts of the cat and not on its fur.

Cat Allergy Tips

Here are some other tips that you can try to keep your home allergen free:

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