Vegetable Allergies
Fruit Allergies
Other Food Allergies
Plant Allergies
Animal Allergies
Other Allergies
Allergy Treatment
Vegetable Allergies
Avocado Allergy
Garlic Allergy
Onion Allergy
Fruit Allergies
Pineapple Allergy
Strawberry Allergy
Other Food Allergies
Caffeine Allergy
Chicken Allergy
Chocolate Allergy
Cinnamon Allergy
Malt Allergy
MSG Allergy
Oat Allergy
Red Dye Allergy
Plant Allergies
Pollen Allergy
Timothy Grass Allergy
Animal Allergies
Cat Allergy
Dog Allergy
Dust Mite Allergy
Wool Allergy
Other Allergies
Chlorine Allergy
Polyester Allergy
Toothpaste Allergy

Polyester Allergy

Most allergic reactions manifest after ingesting or coming in contact with specific kinds of foods or chemicals. There are instances, however, when an individual may experience discomfort from wearing certain kinds of clothes.

Polyester Allergy Symptoms

Allergy to fabrics is probably common among many individuals, especially to those with sensitive skin. Polyester is one material that is known to cause most allergic reactions which shows mostly on the surface of the skin. The symptoms observed can vary from being mild to dangerous. They may also manifest either almost instantly or within a delayed period of time.

People who suspect that they have polyester allergy should watch out for the following symptoms:

In some cases, polyester allergy symptoms are not only observed on the skin. When complications arise, some patients may experience the following:

Preventing Polyester Allergy

The following makes the polyester allergy symptoms worse:

Polyester Allergy Treatments

People who suffer from these signs of polyester allergy can have several options for first aid and treatment. The following can provide relief to these symptoms and can be bought from several drug stores:

It is not suggested that patients do self-medication. It is always imperative for them to consult with their doctors or physicians yet before using any of these products to avoid further complications. There are also several steps that need to be done before the application of these creams or lotions on the affected area:

  1. Wash the skin thoroughly with warm water and mild soap. Avoid using products with harsh chemicals as they may make the allergic reactions worse.

  2. Apply wet compresses to reduce the reddishness and soothe the skin.

  3. Make sure your hands are clean before applying any topical lotion or cream suggested by the doctor.

Avoiding Polyester

Note that there are no treatments for polyester allergy available yet. The best way to avoid the symptoms and allergic reactions individuals get from polyester is to avoid coming in contact with the material. The first step is to know which items may contain polyester.

Polyester is usually found in:

Individuals with polyester allergies should therefore look for fabric material alternatives that include:

Other Causes

There are also several factors that contribute to the aggravation of polyester allergy. Along with polyester resins, patients may experience discomfort and rashes from the detergents, fabric fragrances and softeners they use. Perspiration or animal furs caught in between the woven fibers of the fabric may also be the culprit behind the discomfort and irritation.

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