Vegetable Allergies
Fruit Allergies
Other Food Allergies
Plant Allergies
Animal Allergies
Other Allergies
Allergy Treatment
Vegetable Allergies
Avocado Allergy
Garlic Allergy
Onion Allergy
Fruit Allergies
Pineapple Allergy
Strawberry Allergy
Other Food Allergies
Caffeine Allergy
Chicken Allergy
Chocolate Allergy
Cinnamon Allergy
Malt Allergy
MSG Allergy
Oat Allergy
Red Dye Allergy
Plant Allergies
Pollen Allergy
Timothy Grass Allergy
Animal Allergies
Cat Allergy
Dog Allergy
Dust Mite Allergy
Wool Allergy
Other Allergies
Chlorine Allergy
Polyester Allergy
Toothpaste Allergy

Cinnamon Allergy

Many pastries and other foods in bakeries and restaurants contain cinnamon to enhance the taste. However, there are people who suffer from allergies to cinnamon. This can be a difficult problem since cinnamon can often be contained in foods without most people noticing.

Cinnamon Allergy Symptoms

The symptoms of cinnamon allergy may vary from mild to severe. Some of the most common symptoms are:

Severe Cinnamon Allergy Symptoms

The above symptoms are not dangerous and are usually easier to treat. The signs of cinnamon allergy, nonetheless, may vary from one person to another. The following symptoms can be considered severe:

Cinnamon Allergy In Children

It is usually the adults who experience these cinnamon allergy symptoms. There are cases, though, when these signs are observed among babies especially since a number of baby foods are whipped and manufactured with added cinnamon flavoring.

Cinnamon may not be included in the list of common food allergies experienced by babies and toddlers, but there is a big possibility that cinnamon can cause allergic reactions.

Allergy to cinnamon generally occurs among infants and younger children as a result of the failure of immune system to recognize it as a safe substance thereby causing the immune system to fight it off an defend the body. Antibodies are then created to ward off the cinnamon and start the production of histamine that causes irritation and inflammation throughout the kids' bodies.

Cinnamon Allergy Symptoms In Children

The most common sign of cinnamon allergy observed among infants and younger children is skin dermatitis. Parents may observe swelling, irritation and redness around the skin area that came in contact with cinnamon. This can be treated simply by washing the area with soap and water. Persistence of the irritation can be relieved by applying a small amount of hydrocortisone.

Other symptoms may include the following:

There may also be cases when the children show more severe symptoms that include appearing lethargic and flushing of skin. In such cases, it is a must to bring them to the doctor and get immediate medical attention.

Testing Children For Cinnamon Allergy

Whenever the kids are suspected to have allergic reaction to cinnamon, doctors perform a skin patch test. It is during this process that the pediatrician places a small amount of cinnamon on a patch which is placed on the kids' skin for 20 to 30 minutes.

A normal skin would indicate that the kids are safe from cinnamon allergy. In such cases, it is important for parents to check other possible foods that the kids may be allergic too. On the other hand, when irritation of the skin is experienced, parents should eliminate cinnamon from the diets of their children.

Cinnamon Allergy Causes

Cinnamon oil has been a popular allergen since the 19th century. The first reactions to the substance were observed from people who became fond of sucking Cinnamon-soaked toothpicks that caused contact dermatitis.

Several patients observed the signs immediately after eating or touching cinnamon. Nonetheless, there are symptoms which may be considered as delayed type IV reactions, which means the allergic reaction to cinnamon only shows within hours after the intake of cinnamon.

In some cases, it would be tricky to point out which substance the patients are really allergic too as many products don't contain actual cinnamon and use cassia as alternative. In fact "cinnamon" found in many grocery stores are actually cassia. Thus, it is important to pinpoint the correct allergen to come up with the best and most proper treatment. It is always important to seek the advice of the doctors first.

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